impropriety|improprieties in English


[im·pro·pri·e·ty || ‚ɪmprə'praɪətɪ]

quality of being improper; incorrectness; unsuitableness; improper behavior; improper word or act

Use "impropriety|improprieties" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "impropriety|improprieties" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "impropriety|improprieties", or refer to the context using the word "impropriety|improprieties" in the English Dictionary.

1. The investigation revealed no impropriety.

2. What impropriety is this?

3. The superintendent had just been fired for personnel improprieties.

4. There was no evidence of impropriety.

5. Parliament was accused of constitutional impropriety.

6. He waved off suggestions of impropriety.

7. Impropriety is the soul of wit.

8. There is no suggestion of any impropriety.

9. He resigned amid allegations of financial impropriety.

10. Several employees were suspended amid allegations that financial improprieties had been committed.

11. I expostulate with her on the impropriety.

12. You must be above suspicion of any impropriety.

13. Antonyms for Appositenesses include improperness, improprieties, inappositeness, inappropriatenesses, inaptnesses, infelicities, unfitnesses, unseemlinesses

14. I was surprised by the impropriety of his remarks.

15. I can see no constitutional impropriety in this.

16. Antonyms for Aptnesses include inappropriatenesses, improperness, improprieties, inappositeness, inAptnesses, infelicities, unfitnesses, unseemlinesses : 5

17. Mr Stibbard appeared outraged by any suggestion of impropriety.

18. There is no suggestion of impropriety by the minister.

19. Smith has denied any sexual impropriety with his former employees.

20. I would certainly dismiss any allegations of impropriety by the Labour Party.

21. The burden lies with errant son, cast adrift upon churning sea of impropriety.

22. When this is done by a private government contractor, the impropriety is obvious.

23. Patnaik has also instituted eight judicial inquiries while the Crime Branch of the Orissa Police is investigating nine alleged improprieties .

24. I worried at the impropriety of running the siren so early in the morning.

25. Antonyms for Appropriateness include improperness, impropriety, inappositeness, inAppropriateness, inaptness, infelicity, unfitness, unseemliness, unsuitability and